Tuesday 21 August 2018

Not just any superhero banter, we give you 5 reasons why you must watch Justice League

Not just any superhero banter, we give you 5 reasons why you must watch Justice League streaming on Amazon Prime Video today!

 For the first time in the history of the DC Universe, powerhouses like Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, The Flash, Aquaman and Cyborg have come together in a live-action movie that thrilled audiences worldwide! Unlike other cinematic landscapes and cosmos, DC's Extended Universe is a run-through into an exhilarating battle-field and an episode of breath-taking visual experiences like never before. 
Not always can a DC fan re-live the nostalgia in a matter of few clicks?  And that is why Amazon Prime Video brings you Justice League. . While the movie received mixed reviews, it was quite a commercial success on the box-office with DC fans going gaga over it.
Not just any superhero film, we give you 5 reasons why Justice League should have you excited, yet again;
1.                  Introduction of Flash and Aquaman - If the trailer wasn’t enough for any not-so-DC Fan, Warner Bros. astounded us with the introduction of an all-time favourite superhero Flash and the grittier version of Aquaman in a single frame. Something you wouldn’t get to watch in any other superhero movie.
2.                  All-in-one - The idea of experiencing all the DC superhero in a single frame instantly is incredibly exciting. While watching the movie in a theatre, each time a superhero was introduced in the scene, the viewers hooted and whistled to show their unbridled excitement. It was quite a ride and what else could be as better than re-living the thrill all over again, while chilling in your pyjamas. 
3.                  Wonder women - Gal Gadot impressed everybody with her magnetic and badass personality. Her expressions in the slow-motion shots were stunning and her sharp fight sequels are enough few reasons to watch the film all over again. 
4.                  VFX on-point - It takes mind and sweat to craft a scene which looks aesthetically captivating. Justice League indeed has raised the bar by adding supreme optical-effects that is enough to blow your mind. Each scene looks even more mesmerising than the other. 
5.                  Superman rises from the dead - Unlike the melancholic climax of its predecessor, Batman Vs Superman, the Man of Steel returned from the dead. The entire episode of watching the Superman rising from his grave followed by an action heavy scene is something no DC Fan can ever forget.
Do you really need any more reasons to watch this fierce and amazing play-off, yet again?
I am sure not!
Watch the DC Guardians in avatars like never before saving the world against the odds, available exclusively on Amazon Prime Video now!

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