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Padaippaali', a film produced by AVR Anbu Cinemas and directed by Balaji Jayabalan

 *'Padaippaali', a film produced by AVR Anbu Cinemas and directed by Balaji Jayabalan has popular Malaysian actor Yuvaraj Krishnasam...

Sunday 31 January 2021

தன்னைக் கைது செய்த போலீஸை

*தன்னைக் கைது செய்த போலீஸை சிறைப்பிடித்த மன்சூர் அலிகான்! யூ டியூப் ஏரியாவில் பரபரப்பு!!*


*கிறங்கடிக்கும் இசையில் 'ஏண்டா என்னப் போட்டு சாவடிக்கிற...' கொல்கத்தா ரசகுல்லாவோடு ஆட்டம்போட்டு சூடேத்தும் மன்சூர் அலிகான்!*

தனது சமூக அக்கறையை, மக்களின் மீது அக்கறை கொள்ளாத ஆட்சியாளர்கள் மீதான கோபத்தை, நம் மண்ணின் வளங்களை அழித்தொழிக்க நினைப்பவர்களுக்கு துணை போகிற அரசின் மீதான கண்டனத்தை பாடல்களாக உருவாக்கி, 'டிப் டாப் தமிழா' யூ டியூப் சேனலில் வெளியிட்டு பரபரப்பு கிளப்பிக் கொண்டிருக்கிறார் மன்சூர்.

அந்த வகையில் ஏற்கனவே வந்த 'வந்தேமாதரம் என்போம்', 'ஏமாத்துறான் ஏமாத்துறான்' என இரண்டு பாடல்கள் வெளியாகி பெரியளவில் வரவேற்பு பெற்றதையடுத்து, மூன்றாவது பாடலை படு ரகளையாக உருவாக்கி வெளியிட்டிருக்கிறார்.

மன்சூர் அலிகானை ஏதோவொரு விஷயத்துக்காக அந்த பெண் போலீஸ் கைது செய்து, லாக்கப்பில் அடைக்கிறாள். மன்சூர் அலிகான் அவளை தன் இதயச் சிறைக்குள் அடைக்கிறார். அந்த லவ் மூடுக்கு ஏற்றபடி ஒரு பாட்டு. 'கைதி - மன்சூர் அலிகான் வெர்சன்' என்பது தான் கான்செப்ட்!  

'ஏண்டா என்னப் போட்டு சாவடிக்கிற..' என்ற அந்த பாடல் செம ஹாட். பாடலில் மன்சூர் அலிகானுடன் தனது டேஞ்சரான, செழிப்பான வளைவு நெளிவுகளைக் காட்டி சூடேற்றுகிறார் மேற்கு வங்காளத்து ரசகுல்லா சுபாங்கி!

பாடல் வரிகள், இசை, நடனம் என ஏற்கனவே வந்த ஆல்பத்தின் அத்தனை அம்சங்களையும் உருவாக்கிய மன்சூர் அலிகானின் அசத்தல் கிரியேடிவிடி, இந்த பாடலிலும் தொடர்கிறது படு கலக்கலாக!

பாடல் குறித்து மன்சூர் அலிகானிடம் கேட்டோம்...

''கடந்த சில வருஷங்களாத்தானே மியூசிக் ஆல்பம்லாம் பண்றாங்க. நான் 94-லேயே 'சிக்குச்சா சிக்குசிக்கு'னு 7 பாடல்கள் கொண்ட ஆல்பம் பண்ணேன். இப்போ ரொம்ப ஃபேமஸா இருக்கிற பாடகி கல்பனா, அந்த பாடல்களை பாடியிருந்தாங்க. 

அது தவிர, நான் இயக்கிய எல்லா படங்களுக்கும் பாடல், இசை எல்லாமே நான்தான். வரவேற்புக்காக பாடல்கள் காட்சிகளை தாறுமாறா அமைச்சாலும் அதுல ஒரு வரியாச்சும் சமூகத்துக்கு கருத்து சொல்ற விதமா இருக்கும். இப்போ ரிலீஸாகியிருக்கிற 'ஏண்டா என்னப் போட்டு சாவடிக்கிற..' பாட்டுலயும் கொரோனாவ இழுத்து விட்டிருக்கேன். பாருங்க உங்களுக்கே புரியும்'' என்கிறார்.

படு சூடான அந்த பாடலைப் பார்த்து ரசிக்க லிங்க்:- https://youtu.be/T4MeK3Ggfkw

Saturday 30 January 2021

பிப்ரவரி 5 ஆம் தேதி வெளியீட்டிற்கு

 பிப்ரவரி 5 ஆம் தேதி வெளியீட்டிற்கு பரபரப்பாக தயாராகி வரும் சிதம்பரம் ரெயில்வே கேட்!!

கிரௌன் பிக்சர்ஸ் தயாரிப்பில் S. M இப்ராஹிம் வழங்கும் சிதம்பரம் ரெயில்வேகேட்  படம்  பிப்ரவரி 5 அன்று திரைக்கு வர தயாராக உள்ளது. மேலும் இப்படத்தில் அன்பு மயில்சாமியுடன்  மாஸ்டர் மகேந்திரன் இணைந்து நடித்துள்ளார்.   நீரஜா கதாநாயகியாக நடித்துள்ளார்,  இரண்டாம் நாயகியாக  காயத்ரி நடித்துள்ளார். வில்லன் வேடத்தில் சூப்பர் சுப்புராயன் நடித்துள்ளார்.  

மேலும் லொள்ளு சபா மனோகர் மற்றும் பிக்பாஸ் டேனியல், ஆகியோர் நடித்துள்ளனர். ஒளிப்பதிவை  R. வேல் ஏற்றுள்ளார். எடிட்டிங் சுரேஷ் URS  கையாண்டுள்ளார். கலை மார்ட்டின்  கையாண்டுள்ளார். கார்திக் ராஜா சிறப்பாக இசையமைத்துள்ளார். மேலும் இசைஞானி இளையராஜா ஒரு பாடலும் பாடியுள்ளார் இப்படத்திற்கு மேலும் சிறப்பு... இப்படத்தின் ஊடக சந்திப்பு முடிந்து பிப்ரவரி 5 வெளியாக உள்ளது..

வாய்தா’ஃபர்ஸ்ட் லுக், மோஷன்

 *‘வாய்தா’ஃபர்ஸ்ட் லுக், மோஷன் போஸ்டரை வெளியிட்ட மக்கள் செல்வன் விஜய்சேதுபதி...!*

கொரோனா லாக்டவுனால் திண்டாடிய திரையுலகம் தற்போது தான் மெல்ல தளைக்க ஆரம்பித்துள்ளது. இந்த சமயத்தில் தயாரிப்பாளர் முதல் இசையமைப்பாளர் வரை முற்றிலும் புதுமுகங்களின் முயற்சியாக தயாராகி  உள்ளது “வாய்தா” திரைப்படம். அறிமுக இயக்குநர் மகிவர்மன் C.S. கதை, திரைக்கதை, வசனம் எழுதி இயக்கியுள்ளார். இந்திய கம்யூனிஸ்ட் கட்சியின் தேசியக்குழு உறுப்பினரும், மூத்த தலைவருமான சி.மகேந்திரனின் மகன் புகழ் மகேந்திரன் வாய்தா படம் மூலமாக ஹீரோவாக அறிமுகமாகிறார். 

‘ஜோக்கர்’, ‘கே.டி. என்கிற கருப்பத்துரை’ படம்  மூலம் பிரபலமான நடிகர் மு.ராமசாமி, நாசர், அறிமுக நாயகி ஜெசிகா பவுலின், ‘நக்கலைட்ஸ்’ புகழ் பிரசன்னா மற்றும் நேஷனல் ஸ்கூல் ஆப் டிராமாவைச் சேர்ந்த கலைஞர்கள் சிலரும் முக்கிய கதாபாத்திரங்களில் நடித்துள்ளனர். 

பிரபல ஒளிப்பதிவாளர் விஜய் மில்டனிடம் நீண்ட காலமாக உதவியாளராக பணியாற்றிய சேது முருகவேல் அங்காரகன் இந்த படத்திற்கு ஒளிப்பதிவு செய்துள்ளார். ‘அசுரன்’, ‘வடசென்னை’, ‘சூரரைப்போற்று’ உள்ளிட்ட படங்களில் பிரம்மாண்ட செட் அமைத்த கலை இயக்குநர் ஜாக்சன் இந்த படத்தில் பணியாற்றியுள்ளார். வராஹா சுவாமி பிலிம்ஸ் நிறுவனம் சார்பில் கே.வினோத்குமார் தயாரித்துள்ள இந்த படத்திற்கு அறிமுக இசையமைப்பாளர் சி.லோகேஷ்வரன் இசையமைத்துள்ளார். 

இந்த படத்தின் ஃபர்ஸ்ட் லுக் மற்றும் மோஷன் போஸ்டரை இன்று காலை 11 மணி அளவில் மக்கள் செல்வன் விஜய் சேதுபதி தன்னுடைய ட்விட்டர் பக்கத்தில் வெளியிட்டுள்ளார். போஸ்டரில் கழுதையுடன் மு.ராமசாமி கோர்ட் கூண்டுக்குள் இருப்பது போன்ற காட்சியும், சாமானியர்கள் மேல் நடத்தப்படும் வன்முறை என்ற வாசகமும் கவனம் ஈர்த்துள்ளது. மோஷன் போஸ்டரின் இறுதியில் சட்டம் குறித்து நாசர் பேசும் வசனம் ரசிகர்களின் வரவேற்பை பெற்றுள்ளது. பல்வேறு சர்வதேச திரைப்பட விழாக்களில் பங்கேற்ற ‘வாய்தா’ திரைப்படம் இதுவரை 20க்கும் மேற்பட்ட விருதுகளை பெற்றுள்ளது குறிப்பிடத்தக்கது.


K Bhagyaraj unveils Marutham Trailer

K Bhagyaraj releases Marutham Trailer


Harpic Mission Paani hosts India’s largest Waterthon on

 Harpic Mission Paani hosts India’s largest Waterthon on Republic Day

 Leading policymakers, celebrities and corporates celebrated w ater heroes

  • The 8-hour long Waterthon addressed the criticality of water for hygiene

 As India celebrated its 72nd Republic Day, Harpic Mission Paani hosted its first Waterthon celebrating the country’s water heroes. The 8-Hour long Waterthon brought together leading policy makers, celebrities from all walks of life, the Armed Forces and corporates to address the criticality of water for hygiene and conservation.

India’s largest Waterthon witnessed a series of thought-provoking sessions deliberating on efficient solutions and the need to prioritize efforts towards water conservation. Mission Paani has partnered with WWF-India and Swarovski Waterschool to mobilise their Waterschool curriculum for encouraging early water conservation habits in children. 


 Laxman Narasimhan, Global CEO, Reckitt Benckiser Group commented, “Hosting India’s largest Waterthon on Republic Day is highly symbolic and a matter of pride for us at RB. People from all walks of life have come together today on the Harpic Mission Paani platform, united towards a common goal of saving water. This day has celebrated India’s water heroes who have selflessly led and addressed the criticality of water for hygiene. We are hopeful that Harpic with its key initiatives will successfully drive behavior change towards water conservation and hygiene with Mission Paani.”

 Speaking on building purpose-led brands, Harold van den Broek, President, RB Hygiene said “At RB, we are pioneers of Health, Hygiene and Nutrition and we deliver our purpose- to protect heal and nurture in the relentless pursuit of a cleaner and healthier world. Our brands like Harpic, Finish and Lysol have been at the forefront of driving behaviour change. We are committed to building brands with purpose with a clearly defined fight that is linked to key societal issues in line with UN’s defined Sustainability Development Goals.”


Actor and Mission Paani Ambassador, Akshay Kumar said, “Water is a wealth we have to conserve. The demand for water will rise by 40 percent in the next 9 years, which is something we will not be able to fulfill. Add to that, there are chances of a water crisis taking place in 28% of the country for which we all will be responsible. At the rate that humanity is going, in next 100 years, we will finish all the water available. Water can be sold at the rate of gold, it can even be costlier. We might even see a war on it. There might come a time where there won't be rivers, lakes. We will struggle to even find a drop. It is the need of the hour for us to take a pledge to save water so that we can live a life of a better tomorrow.”

At the event Narasimhan Eswar, Senior Vice President, South Asia, RB Hygiene, said, “Saving water is now more important than ever before. The pandemic has taught us that high levels of sanitation and hygiene are essential for all sections of society. Harpic Mission Paani is a defining people’s movement, aimed at creating a more direct impact on water, hygiene and sanitation. Our aim with Harpic Mission Paani’s ‘Swachhta aur Paani’ campaign is to increase awareness and encourage citizens on the urgency for efficient usage and conservation of water as well as hygienic sanitation.”

Sukhleen Aneja, CMO & Marketing Director, RB Hygiene, South Asia said, “Children hold the key to our future and are hence the best evangelists for Mission Paani. With Harpic's Mission Paani we wish to bring about a lasting behaviour change. Last year, we released the Water anthem co-created with legendary AR Rahman and rendered by an all-children's choir urging India on the need for using water responsibly. This year Mission Paani has partnered with WWF and Swarovski School of Water to launch and has mobilised the water  curriculum focused on teaching children the importance of water conservation from an early stage.”

Citi distributes more than 850 tons of monthly supplies to

 Citi distributes more than 850 tons of monthly supplies tolow-income families nationally

30 percent of supplies provided to families in Chennai

 through Citi’s first-ever personalized charitable giving program in India



Citi today announced it distributed over 250 tons to 7,714 low-income families in Chennai through the bank’s first personalized charitable-giving program in India, or globally. Via the Citi-designed program, You Nominate. We Donate., Citi employees were asked to share the names of up to two families who they would like to supply rations to. Then, a month's worth of food rations and cleaning supplies were distributed to the doorsteps of the nominated families.


In total, more than 850 tons of monthly supplies were distributed to Citi-nominated families across Bengaluru, Chennai, and Hyderabad, in the south of India, through Delhi, Gurugram, Noida, Faridabad, and Ghaziabad, in the north, in Mumbai and Pune in the west, and around Kolkata in the east.

Customizing to local tastes of Chennai-based families, each package consisted of 15 kg sona steam rice and 5 kg PL idli rice. The families also received 5kg pulses, 1 kg salt and 2 kg sugar, coffee, toothpaste, bathing soap, feminine hygiene products and clothes washing soap. A bottle of floor cleaner and 3 liters of cooking oil was also included. Every bag, weighing 33 kgs, carried the message in the Citi ‘blue’ in English and Tamil: This is a small token of our appreciation for all that you do for us. Thank you. To distribute the rations that benefited between 30,856 and 38,570 individuals, 291 trucks were utilized in Chennai.

Citi South Asia Head for Global Public Affairs Debasis Ghosh said, “Citi employees wanted to be of assistance to the greater community; this program gave them an opportunity to nominate families whose ability to earn was severely impacted. The program, designed to give a voice to our employees during these unprecedented times, was extremely well-received by all stakeholders. Encouraged with the strong participation, we are evaluating to further the program with our partners and the Government, based on current needs and on-ground realities.”

Citi employees nominated their part-time household help, drivers, watchmen, and those who assisted with their ironing and laundry in the neighborhood. Sanitation workers, repairmen, food delivery boys, tailors, electricians, migrant workers and part-time domestic help, were amongst those who made up the extensive nominee list nationally. The funds allocated to this program were part of Citi’s overall INR 75 crore CSR commitment towards COVID-19 immediate-to-long term programs.

As the aim was to ensure 100% deliveries, employees also kept in touch with their nominees as part of this program, raising engagement. Besides, a combined 200,000+ calls by the virtual call center set up for the task were made in Bengali, Kannada, Marathi, Tamil and Telugu, besides Hindi and English, to verify details at the start of the program and at the time of door-step delivery. High quality, household brand names were selected too: Tata, ITC, Godrej, Unilever, Colgate, Fortune, and Parry’s, amongst others. The nutritional value of the ration was certified by Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR)-National Institute of Nutrition, Hyderabad. 

At the time of delivery, a mobile app, specially created for this program tracked all door-step deliveries, providing accountability. The app stored all pre-checked/confirmed addresses, landmarks, and phone numbers, of nominees. To promote social distancing, ground support was able to use the app to take a picture of the family member receiving the rations. These ‘photo acceptances’ were uploaded over the app and into the backend database to track deliveries and account for each package.

Nominees were located across 16 cities from employees based in 30 locations nationally. The cities were divided into 35 clusters that were split further to give each truck a fixed single-route to deliver up to an average of about 23 packages each. Over 90 days, 1,028 trucks travelled 100,000 km nationally to deliver over 850 tons of rations to 26,000 families of up to five, enabling them to have 7.8 million meals over a period of 30 days.


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A weak fourth quarter sets the seal on 11-year low for

 A weak fourth quarter sets the seal on 11-year low for annual gold demand

The COVID-19 pandemic, with its far-reaching effects, was the driving factor behind gold consumer demand weakness throughout 2020, leading to a 14% decline in annual demand to 3,759.6t.[1] Last year was the first sub-4,000t year since 2009 according to the World Gold Council’s latest Gold Demand Trends report.

Global gold demand dropped by 28% y-o-y to 783.4t in Q4, making it the weakest quarter since the midst of the global financial crisis in Q2 2008.

Gold jewellery demand in Q4 fell 13% y-o-y to 515.9t, resulting in a full-year total of 1,411.6t, 34% lower than in 2019 and a new annual low for our data series. While demand improved steadily from the severely depleted Q2 total, the coronavirus continued to impact consumer behaviour.

Conversely, increased uncertainty and policy response to the pandemic supported annual investment demand, which increased 40% y-o-y to a new high for our series of 1,773.2t. Most of the growth came in the form of gold-backed ETFs (gold ETFs) but was aided by bar and coin demand growth in H2. In addition, evidence suggests that over-the-counter (OTC) activity, which is not directly captured in our data set, was also robust throughout the year. However, in Q4 there was a notable decline in investment demand for gold ETFs with outflows totalling 130t.

 Total annual gold supply also took a hit and was 4% lower y-o-y (4,633t), the largest annual fall since 2013. The drop can be largely explained by coronavirus-related disruption to mine production, offset by a marginal 1% increase in recycling to 1,297.4t for 2020.

Inflows into global gold ETFs reached an annual record of 877.1t (US$47.9bn). An 11-month consecutive run of positive inflows starting in December 2019 came to a halt in November when a recovery in sentiment and gold price drop led to 130t of outflows in Q4.

The US dollar gold price returned 25% in 2020 supported by investor demand. After reaching a record high in August across most currencies, the LBMA Gold Price PM dropped back to US$1,762.55/oz at the end of November, before recovering to close the year at US$1,887.6/oz.

Demand for gold bars and coins grew 10% in Q4. A recovery in China and India in the second half of 2020 added to continued strength in Western markets to lift annual demand to 896.1t (+3%).

2020 marked a record low of 1,411.6t for gold jewellery demand. Despite a quarterly recovery in Q4, demand was unable to overcome the continued challenges presented by COVID-19.

Gold buying by central banks slowed sharply in 2020, 59% lower at 273t. Q4 saw a return to modest net buying: global official reserves grew by 44.8t during the quarter, more than reversing the 6.5t of net sales from Q3.

Louise Street, Senior Markets Analyst, Research at the World Gold Council, commented: “The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic was felt across the gold market throughout 2020, and Q4 was no different. Consumers around the world remained at the mercy of lockdowns, economic weakness and high gold prices, resulting in a new annual low in jewellery demand.

“Nevertheless, despite outflows in Q4, gold-backed ETFs saw record annual inflows due to low interest rates and high levels of uncertainty, highlighting gold’s role as a safe haven asset. Bar and coin demand also saw a strong recovery in the second half of the year, showing that retail investor sentiment remained relatively stable in these volatile markets. Overall, we believe the effects of the pandemic are likely to reverberate into Q1 2021, and possibly beyond.”

The key findings included in the latest Gold Demand Trends report for FY 2020 are as follows:

 Annual demand (excluding OTC) declined to 3,759.6t (-14%), the first sub-4,000t year since 2009

  • Record gold ETF inflows totalled 877.1t (US$47.9bn) and global AUM reached 3,751.5t
  • Gold bar and coin demand grew 3% in 2020 to 896.1t
  • Global jewellery demand declined by 34% y-o-y to 1,411.6t, a new annual low
  • Central banks gold buying slowed in 2020, 59% lower y-o-y at 273t
  • Demand in the technology sector fell by 7% in 2020 to 307.9t
  • Mine production declined 4% y-o-y
  • Recycling increased only marginally by 1% y-o-y

 The key findings included in the latest Gold Demand Trends report for Q4 2020 are as follows:

 Overall demand in Q4 declined by 28% year-on-year to 783.4t

  • Gold-backed ETF saw outflows of 130t in Q4
  • Gold bar and coin continued to see strong demand and increased by 10% y-o-y
  • Global jewellery demand continued to improve from the record low in Q2 but was 13% lower year-on-year at 515.9t
  • Central banks returned to net buying, adding 44.8t to global holdings
  • Demand in the technology sector grew marginally to 84t

The Gold Demand Trends Q4 & FY 2020 report, which includes comprehensive data provided by Metals Focus, can be viewed at http://www.gold.org/research/gold-demand-trends.

You can follow the World Gold Council on Twitter at @goldcouncil and Like on Facebook

Virgin Hyperloop Unveils Passenger Experience Vision

 Virgin Hyperloop Unveils Passenger Experience Vision

Groundbreaking design shows end-to-end passenger experience for the 21st century

Just months after their first passenger testing – in which Tanay Manjrekar was the first Indian to ride hyperloop – Virgin Hyperloop today unveiled its vision for the future hyperloop experience. The newly-released concept video takes the viewer step-by-step through a hyperloop journey, from arriving at the portal to boarding the pod. 

 “Showing the passenger experience of Virgin Hyperloop is a glimpse of the future, following the success three months ago when people rode in a hyperloop pod for the first time,” said Sultan Bin Sulayem, Chairman of Virgin Hyperloop and Group Chairman and CEO of DP World. “We have demonstrated the maturity of our technology. We are getting closer to commercialization of what will be the first new mass-scale transportation mode in a century.”

 “Designing a new mode of transportation from scratch is both an opportunity and a responsibility,” said Sara Luchian, Virgin Hyperloop’s Director of Passenger Experience and one of the first people to ride the hyperloop in November. “Hyperloop technology – and what it enables – is paradigm-shifting. It follows that the passenger experience should be nothing short of extraordinary.”


The designs showcased in the video are indicative of what global hyperloop systems would look like, including for operations in India. 


“Imagine being able to travel between Mumbai and Pune in under 30 minutes, with a seamless and relaxing end-to-end journey,” said Harj Dhaliwal, Virgin Hyperloop’s Managing Director of Middle East and India. “We are committed to bringing this vision to life – in Maharashtra and beyond – and are working closely with our partners, investors, and governments to do just that.”


Virgin Hyperloop worked with world-class partners across disparate industries – including Bjarke Ingels Group (BIG) for the portal designs, Teague for the pod designs, SeeThree for the video and animation, and Man Made Music for the score and sonic identity  – to design a comprehensive, multi-sensory passenger experience that surpasses that of any other form of mass transit. 


“Virgin Hyperloop can accelerate the future of mobility on land. The new mode of travel at supersonic speed rethinks transportation and the perception of space, landscape, time, and distance,” said Bjarke Ingels, Founder & Creative Director, BIG-Bjarke Ingels Group. “In this day and age, Virgin Hyperloop taking off from our portals provides holistic, intelligent transportation for a globalized community to travel across vast distances in a safer, cleaner, easier, and faster way than airlines.” 

 Far from a dystopian future where dark colors, stark lighting, and screens abound, Virgin Hyperloop’s counter narrative is a more optimistic view of the future: a greener, smoother, safer, and more pleasant mass transit experience.

"We leveraged decades of experience designing how people and things move across various modalities – taking some of the best aspects from aviation, rail, automotive, and even hospitality to create a new and better passenger experience that is distinct to Virgin Hyperloop,” said John Barratt, CEO & President, Teague. “Recessed seat wells provide a greater sense of space, while the raised aisle is a touch of the unexpected and unique. Bands of greenery and wood textures subvert the aesthetic of typical mass transit materials with something optimistic and fresh. All lighting in the pod—including the unassuming information displays—are dynamic and adjust based on traveler activity and journey milestones." 

Beyond the typical touchpoints in transportation, Virgin Hyperloop also researched and incorporated findings from more non-traditional interactions, such as sound. 

“Through proprietary research and a design thinking approach to creating sound and sonic solutions for Virgin Hyperloop, Man Made Music was able to address a myriad of potential challenges for this new mode of transportation, from how to evoke a sense of privacy and space to an enhanced sense of safety and calm,” said Joel Beckerman, Founder and Lead Composer at Man Made Music. “We respond to sound quicker than any other sense, so sound actually drives the multi-sensory experiences. The sonic cues of the Virgin Hyperloop identity system serves as a guide for passengers throughout their experience while instilling confidence, safety, and clarity – you ‘feel’ it rather than ‘hear’ it. Just like a great movie score, it tells you the story. We know when we’ve got it right when you don’t notice the sound at all: the interface is humanized in ways that are both fresh and familiar.” 

A key pillar of Virgin Hyperloop’s passenger experience is accessibility, ensuring that this new form of transportation will expand opportunities for the masses. While ticket prices will vary depending on the exact route, a recent study in Ohio, USA found that hyperloop fares would be more akin to the cost of driving, rather than flying. 


On demand and direct to destination, the hyperloop system would be able to transport thousands of passengers per hour, despite the fact that each vehicle carries only about 28 passengers. This high throughput is achieved by convoying, where vehicles are able to travel behind one another in the tube within milliseconds, controlled by Virgin Hyperloop’s machine intelligence software. 


Following their successful passenger testing, Virgin Hyperloop is currently paving the way for the regulation and certification of hyperloop systems around the world – including those in India. The company is working on the Mumbai-Pune hyperloop project, which would connect the cities in under 25 minutes with zero direct emissions. Beyond Maharashtra, Virgin Hyperloop recently announced a ground-breaking partnership with Bangalore International Airports Limited (BIAL) to conduct a feasibility study for a proposed hyperloop corridor from BLR Airport. 


The company aims to achieve safety certification by 2025, with commercial operations – such as those depicted in this video – beginning in 2030.

Virgin Hyperloop

Virgin Hyperloop is the only company in the world that has successfully tested hyperloop technology with passengers, launching the first new mode of mass transportation in over 100 years. The company successfully operated an occupied hyperloop vehicle using electric propulsion and electromagnetic levitation under near-vacuum conditions, realizing a fundamentally new form of transportation that is faster, safer, cheaper, and more sustainable than existing modes.The company is now working with

governments, partners, and investors around the world to make hyperloop a reality in years, not
decades. Learn more about Virgin Hyperloop's technology, vision, and ongoing projects here.