Institution of Engineers (India) Congratulates Power Engineers of the Country for Excellent Operation of National Grid during pan India ‘Lights Switch Off’ Event.
Er. Narendra Singh, President, The Institution of Engineers (India) congratulated the power engineers of the Country working in National Load Despatch Centre, State Load Despatch Centres, Power Grid, DISCOMs, Transmission Utilities, NTPC, NHPC, SJVNL, THDC, IPPs etc. who rose to the occasion to meet this unprecedented challenge and managed the National Grid operations successfully, maintaining the power system parameters during the ‘lights switch off’ event on 5th April.
Heeding to the call of Hon’ble Prime Minister, about 23 crore consumers (18 crore rural households and 5 crore urban households), at 9 PM on 5th April, voluntarily switched off their lights for 9 minutes. This resulted in abnormal load fluctuation – large reduction of power within 2-4 minutes and then sudden recovery 9 minutes later, which called for extremely careful planning and power management at the generation end as well as in the Transmission and Distribution elements.
While sharing the incident with Press and Media, President, The Institution of Engineers (India) said that the total reduction in all India demand recorded during the event was 31089 MW. The all-India demand which was 1,16,880 MW at 8.45 pm started reducing, reaching a minimum demand of 85,799 MW at 9.10pm. Subsequently, the demand started picking up and settled to around 1,14,400 MW at 10.10pm. The meticulous planning and grid management resulted in maintaining the Grid Frequency during the entire period in the range from 50.26 Hz to 49.70 Hz. The reduction of the total 10950 MW generation capacity during this period was shared by the three major sources - thermal (6992 MW), gas (1951 MW) and wind generation (2007 MW). Advance actions such as switching off transmission lines, changing SVC, STATCOM, HVDC set points etc. were taken prior to the event for keeping voltages and line loading within permissible limits.
Er. Narendra Singh, President, The Institution of Engineers (India) said that in this challenging conditions, operation of Indian National Grid, which is largest Synchronous Grid in the world, with stability, has been a momentous and remarkable achievement for which Power engineers of the country deserve accolades.
While lauding the extraordinary work being done by medical professionals in fighting the COVID-19 pandemic, he highlighted the fact that engineers are contributing significantly during this ‘lock-down’ period by maintaining a variety of essential services and many are also engaged in innovating much needed cost-effective medical equipment such as ventilators.
Tiruchirapalli Local Centre of IEI congratulates all Power Engineers for the excellent planning in handling the light off at 9 pm on 5 April 20. In this regard the press release issued by the president of IEI is given below.
For more details contact:
Dr N.Kumaresan,Chairman, IEI Tiruchirapalli Local Centre M.No.9489089101
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