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எமோஷனல் ஹாரர் த்ரில்லர் “எமகாதகி” வரும் மார்ச் 7 முதல்

 எமோஷனல் ஹாரர் த்ரில்லர் “எமகாதகி” வரும்  மார்ச் 7 முதல் திரையரங்குகளில் ! முழுக்க முழுக்க மிக வித்தியாசமான ஹாரர் திரில்லராக கிராம பின்னணியி...

Wednesday, 30 December 2020

Zurich Airport International and UP Govt welcomes

 Zurich Airport International and UP Govt welcomes
Noida International Airport as the official airport name, logo unveiled

 Zurich Airport International and UP government have finalised the nomenclature of the greenfield airport at Jewar as – Noida International Airport. The name and logo were finalised in the presence of Honourable Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh -Shri Yogi Adityanath.

The brand logo is a symbol that shows a Sarus Crane - the state bird of UP - in flight. The symbol is created using thin uniform converging lines with a blue-green colour gradient fill symbolising technology and connectivity on one hand and eco-consciousness on the other. The upward movement denotes positivity and upliftment of experience. The logo effectively combines technology with emotions while lending sophistication and elegance. The logo echoes Noida International Airport’s vision to be India’s leading airport in terms of quality, efficiency, technology and a role model for sustainable infrastructure and operations, delivering an exemplary experience to all customer segments.

Mr. Christoph Schnellmann, Chief Executive Officer, Yamuna International Airport Private Limited said, “We are pleased to finalise Noida International Airport as the official brand name for the upcoming airport at Jewar. The logo is the true reflection of building India’s leading airport which is an amalgamation of efficiency, technology and a sustainable and eco-friendly infrastructure, while keeping a symbol of Uttar Pradesh at the core. We would like to thank the Government of Uttar Pradesh for their support in the process, as this will help us build the brand identity and recall value of the airport across customers and stakeholders”.

In November last year, Zurich Airport International AG (ZAIA) won the contract to build and operate the airport in Greater Noida for a period of 40 years, which includes construction period of four years in the first phase. ZAIA received the security clearance from the Union ministry of home affairs to develop the Noida International Airport at Jewar in May this year. Last week, a consortium of Nordic, Grimshaw, Haptic and STUP has been selected as the architect team to design the airport.

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