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 எமோஷனல் ஹாரர் த்ரில்லர் “எமகாதகி” வரும்  மார்ச் 7 முதல் திரையரங்குகளில் ! முழுக்க முழுக்க மிக வித்தியாசமான ஹாரர் திரில்லராக கிராம பின்னணியி...

Saturday, 17 April 2021

NIT Tiruchirappalli retains the top position in

NIT Tiruchirappalli retains the top position in TEQIP - III Programme

16.04.2021: NIT Tiruchirappalli consecutively top performed in TEQIP III similar to TEQIP I and II. Based on the recently conducted performance audit by Prof N.C.SHIVAPRAKASH, Professor, IISc Bangalore, the audit score obtained was 1.03 for a scale of 3.0 (1.00 being the highest score) which is top among all NITs and all Govt. Institutes which participated in TEQIP III said Dr Mini Shaji Thomas, Director of  NIT Trichy.

Third phase of Technical Education Quality Improvement Programme (referred to as TEQIP-III) implemented during 2018-2021, in addition to improving the quality of Engineering Education in existing institutions has a special consideration for Low Income States and Special Category States and support to strengthen few affiliated technical universities to improve their policy, academic and 
management practices.

Being top performer in TEQIP-I and II, NIT Tiruchirappalli was selected for TEQIP- III with a funding of Rs. 7.7 crores and as the mentor Institute for Dr.B.R. Ambedkar Institute of Technology,
Pahargaon, Port Blair, Andaman & Nicobar Islands.

Under twinning arrangement, NIT Tiruchirappalli has been supporting DBRAIT in various activities such as SAR preparation for NBA Accreditation, Procurement of Goods and enable faculty members to  pursue higher studies (M.S. and Ph.D.) at NIT Trichy. Students of  DBRAIT also share the NIT Tiruchirappalli laboratory facilities and get trained in the Siemens Centre for Automation.

TEQIP -III Project focus on three objectives : (a) Improving quality and equity in engineering institutions in focus states viz. 7 Low Income States, eight states in the North-East of India, three Hill 
states viz. Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Uttarakhand and Andaman  and Nicobar Islands (b) System-level initiatives to strengthen sector governance and performance which include widening the scope of  Affiliating Technical Universities (ATUs) to improve their policy, academic and management practices towards affiliated institutions, and (c) Twinning Arrangements to Build Capacity and Improve Performance of  institutions and ATUs participating in focus states.

Some of the activities under the scope of the TEQIP- III project are:

Procurement of Goods (equipment, furniture, books Learning Resources,software and minor items) and minor civil works, Improvement in Teaching, Learning and Research competence, Improve student learning, Student employability, Increasing faculty productivity and motivation, Establishing a Twinning arrangements with institutions under Sub-component 1.1 to build capacity and improved performance.

Under TEQIP – III various activities were carried out at NIT Trichy to benefit students and faculty. 54 B.Tech. students  visited various universities in Canada for internship under R&D head during May to 
July 2019 as part of the  Student Mobility Programme by MITACS Canada & MHRD. GATE training was provided to B.Tech. final year students in the year 2019 and 2020.

Many students craked GATE with very high scores. E-books have been procurred and made available to students to access from their place of  stay.

Workshops like “Faculty Startups & Entrepreneurship, Capacity Building of Women Managers in Higher Education, Computer Skills” to non-teaching staffs, were conducted. Faculty Induction Training Programme was conducted for all newly recruited faculty members. International conferences were organised by almost all departments with Teqip-III support, bringing experts to the campus. The papers 
presented were published in reputed journals. Orientation Programme for the first year B.Tech. students of all branches were conducted.The Director congratulated the team of TEQIP III for adding yet 
another feather to the NIT Cap.

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